Get Smart Wiki

"The old bulletproof cummerbund in the tuxedo trick." - Maxwell Smart

Get Smart Episode #79, Season Three #19.


After meeting a man 99 decides to leave CONTROL.






Weapons and Gadgets[]



  • Max claims to have worked with 99 for five years. Since this is only Season Three, perhaps "Mr. Big" (where 99 and Max meet for the first time) is to be understood as taking place two years before the rest of the series.

Reality Check[]

  • This episode appears to draw inspiration from Gilda a 1946 film starring Glenn Ford and Rita Hayworth.
    In the film, Ford's drifter who becomes a senior casino employee and has a secret prior relationship with the owner's new wife seems remarkably like Max's Max Wheel identity. The owner is also revealed to be the head of a worldwide cartel with a monopoly on tungsten (rather than uranium) and becomes the target of an attempted assassination by a man who feels he is being cheated. The visuals of the casino are similar to those in the episode as is the staging of the shooting to the attempt on Victor Royal.
    In another connection, the casino owner is played by George Macready - Mr. Fitzmaurice in Operation Ridiculous.